
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finished Bookshelf

Do you remember the pictures last week of Jason building a bookshelf? Here's a reminder:

Well, it's all done and painted and filled with books. Here's the finished product!

I loooove it! If you follow me on Pinterest, you've probably seen on my "Playroom" board where I've pinned a million pictures of rain-gutter bookshelves or flat display bookshelves. I really like how they make it so the kids can see the front of the books. It makes it way easier for the books to catch their interest and for them to choose one to read.

Jason did such a good job building this bookshelf and I love the way it fits into our playroom. We used these free plans from Ana White, slightly modifying them for our space. In addition to the natural lean built into the bookshelf, we secured it to a stud in the wall.

I plan to change out the books almost every day, with books from the bookshelf in their room and the bookshelves in the office. Also, we decided that this is a really good place to keep the girls' library books, because it keeps them all in one place and they'll be able to access and read them easily.

And that's our new, home-built bookshelf!

1 comment:

  1. What a BEAUTIFUL bookcase! I'd like to make one for my granddaughter! You made several deviations from Ana White's plans and I like your's much better! Would you please tell me the sizes of the wooden pieces (1" x 3", 1" x 4", 1" x 6" etc...) you used and maybe the overall dimensions of your bookcase? I can pretty much figure it out from there! THANKS A MILLION!!!


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